Lessons learned from monitoring in NIHE housing and beyond

Wednesday 17th April – 1:30pm – Room Location

NIHE Housing Monitoring Workshop

Open to everyone with the goal of understanding how data from NIHE housing might help improve the delivery of housing services.

Monitoring and data gathering in social housing is increasingly popular. Monitoring might involve collecting information on conditions in the home and energy to understand whether homes are keeping residents comfortable and healthy.

The NIHE have sponsored several projects to look at ways of gathering data from housing executive homes. In this workshop we’ll be using some results from these projects and monitoring projects elsewhere to think about how this data might be useful to NIHE staff.

There will be a 20-30 minute presentation looking at monitoring and what it can do for housing associations with case studies on successes from elsewhere. There will then be a round table conversation on how better insights into housing conditions would be helpful, peoples responsibilities, the use of data in your role, what stops you using data and what data means for tenants.

After the event, all the materials and conclusions will be shared. For anyone interested, we can provide a customised dashboard to show how data might help you in your role.